Below are the classes that I have taken while at Michigan State in the Master of Arts in Education (MAED) program. I had two concentrations: one in Sport Coaching and Leadership and the other in P-12 School and Postsecondary Leadership.
FALL 2023
EAD 801
Kristy Cooper Stein
Leadership and Organizational Development
We analyzed different leadership styles and how well they work during this course by using real-world examples. We took a deep dive into several case studies of other schools and organizations where we would intercept what worked well and what needed improvement. This course taught me that being a school leader or administrator takes more work than people realize. Learning how to best use my leadership style was beneficial in developing as a leader within my area team while I was teaching.
EAD 882
Julie Helber
Seminars in Educational Administration
As an administrator, you deal with many more legal issues than meets the eye. Before taking this course, I had never thought about legal concerns in school settings. Such as letting students put up a Christmas tree, a substitute not doing their job correctly, or even safety concerns. Throughout the course, we read and discussed different laws and policies on significant topics in educational law. We also participated in scenarios where we would have to decide the best course of action when dealing with specific legal issues. This course was eye-opening because it showed me there is more to administration than leading.
EAD 860
Brendan Cantwell
Concept of a Learning Society
This course turned my head upside down with thought-provoking questions regarding higher education. There is much more to higher education than undergraduate studies, so how do universities fund everything with undergraduate students? Throughout the course, we used a variety of resources, such as peer-reviewed journals, blogs, podcasts, and videos, to understand some of the economics involved in higher education. We hypothesized about what higher education would look like in the future and when there has been such a significant global surge of higher educated people. This course was my first course dealing with higher education, but it opened my mind to working in higher education.
ED 800
Kristy Cooper Stein
Concepts of Educational Inquiry
Throughout this course, we investigated different research methods used in educational research. This course is where I started to develop a desire to continue researching and where I was introduced to Culturally Sustainable Pedagogy. We used different case studies each week to see how each type of research was used in practice and then discussed our thoughts. Throughout this course, I also became a better research writer because we would synthesize the information into a paper with each type of research and case study.
EAD 822
Jada Phelps
Engaging Diverse Students and Families
This is where my understanding of how essential it is to have a strong desire to serve your students. In this course, we discussed diversity topics that were usually taboo to try and find a solution to different case studies or even issues we were seeing in our classrooms. The course was thought-provoking and made my desire to continue in this line of research grow substantially. This course challenged me to be a better teacher, educator, and researcher.
KIN 855
Andrew Driska
Psychosocial Bases of Coaching Athletes
The main focus of this course was Motivational Interviewing. We learned about it and how to do it. We then put our knowledge to the test and conducted our own motivational interviews with either athletes or coworkers. This style of engagement made me question what I knew about coaching and leading in general. This approach is mainly athlete-led and allows them to make their own decisions. The class also allowed me to practice my research skills with both quantitative and qualitative data.
KIN 854
Alexandra Breske
Legal Aspects of Sport
Similar to EAD 882, I am not entirely familiar with the law and legal limitations within the educational context, and I certainly do not have to do with athletics. Most of the course was spent looking at different case studies regarding common legal issues in sports. This class took the approach of being a coach, administrator, or even a facilities manager. Having these different perspectives to think about was eye-opening into how each person plays a vital role in keeping schools, districts, and venues out of legal trouble.
KIN 868
Andrew Driska
Skill Development in Athletes
In this course, we analyzed different types of coaching and how effective they are in teaching athletes skills. The main focus throughout the semester was how coaches often coach how they were coached, meaning that coaching hasn't changed in years. To be an effective coach, you need to think about more than repetition and practice. Many facets of coaching go unnoticed by the naked eye. We also practiced different coaching techniques that we learned about through the semester and created a video showcasing our new skills.
ED 870
Matthew Koehler and Megan Harris
Capstone Seminar
This course serves as the end of the past year and a half. Here, I revisited everything I have learned, accomplished, and grown during my time at Michigan State. Through this website, I get to showcase the hard work and dedication that it took to get to this point. It was also a nice reminder about everything I overcame while receiving a Master's degree.
TE 838
Laura Apol
Children’s Literature in Film
This course was my final course in the program and was my elective credit. In it, I analyze different literature and film pieces commonly used in education. We take stories like Charlotte's Web, Where the Wild Things Are, and The Little Mermaid and discuss the filmmakers' different choices while also analyzing the text and movies regarding current issues such as cultural appreciation.